Oor ons skool:
Ons is 'n liefdevolle kleuterskool / creché / naskool in die Ooste van Pretoria, wat 'n warm en veilige heenkome bied vir kinders klein en groot en waar elke kind tot sy / haar volle potensiaal kan ontwikkel.  Net die beste is goed genoeg vir ons kinders.  Ons bied halfdag, voldag en naskool sorg.  Ons gee baie aandag aan leeraktiwiteite en kreatiwiteit.  
Behalwe die kinders se veiligheid en welstand, dink ons ook aan die gemoedsrus van ons ouers:
Vanaf 3 Maande tot Graad R
Personeel wat omgee
Gerieflike ure
Billike tariewe
Gesonde kos
Klein klasse
Veilige speelgrond met genoeg toesig
Vervoer van en na ‘groot’ skool
Huiswerk word gedoen onder toesig
Personeel word gestuur vir noodhulp en brandbestrydings kursusse

Algemene Inligting:
Formele dagprogram begin 08:00. 
Skoolure is 06:00 tot 18:00.
Skryfbehoeftes:  Ons voorsien 'n lysie van benodighede wat aan die begin van elke kwartaal ingehandig word by jou juffrou
Evaluasie:  Ons assesseer 1 maal per kwartaal.  Ouers ontvang n volledige verslag
Kleredrag:  Gemaklike klere asb.  Dogtertjies moet ‘n broekie "tights" onder hulle rokkies dra.  Merk asb alle klere en items
Geen speelgoed mag skool toe gebring word nie
In / Uitstappies:  Nuusbriewe met die nodige inligting sal voorsien word
Kos:  Goeie kos speel 'n belangrike rol in gesondheid, groei en gedrag.  Elke kind word voorsien van ‘n gesonde ontbyt en middagete​​​​​​​
Allergieё:  NB. Die skool moet asb in kennis gestel word van ENIGE allergieë
Lekkergoed:  Geen lekkergoed mag skool toe gebring word nie, behalwe met verjaarsdae (ons maak staat op julle samewerking in die verband)
Kommunikasie:  Geskied deur middel van whatsapp boodskappe, omsendbriewe, telefonies en e-pos. Elke kind sal ook 'n boekie ontvang vir notas en boodskappe
Siektes / Medisyne: Kinders wat koors het, moet asb by die huis bly.  Indien ‘n kind deur die dag koors ontwikkel, sal daar gevra word om die kind te kom haal. Verkoue medisyne sal gegee word soos deur die ouers versoek en voorsien. Dit moet aangeteken word in jou kind se notaboek
Toegang:  Elke ouer sal n hekkode ontvang, en ouers is enige tyd welkom om die skool te besoek
Skoolfonds:  Alle skoolgeld is vooruit betaalbaar voor of op die laaste dag van die maand – (vir die volgende maand)
Verversings:  Word 10:00 & 15:00 daagliks deur die skool voorsien.
Skool fooie:
Babas (3 - 24 maande):  R3115.00 per kind, per maand
Vanaf 25 maande:  R2810.00 per kind, per maand 
Naskool toesig: R1300.00 per kind, per maand.  Dit sluit in:  Vervoer van en na skool en buitemuurse aktiwiteite by die skool, middag ete en hulp met huiswerk
Korting:  1 (een)  maand gratis indien ouers die skoolfonds vir die jaar vooruit betaal
Kennisgewing: 1 (een) Kalendermaand kennis word vereis – November word nie toegelaat as kennismaand nie
About our school:
This is a loving and caring nursery school / creché / after school center in Pretoria East, that offers a warm and safe environment for children young and older and where every child can develop to his / her full potential.  Only the best is good enough for our children.  We offer full day, half day and after-school care.  We pay a lot of attention to learning activities and creativity.  
Other than the safety and wellbeing of our children, we also consider our parents and their peace of mind:
From 3 Months to Grade R
Staff who really cares
Convenient hours
Reasonable school fees
Healthy food
Small classes
Safe playgrounds with enough supervision
Transport to and from the ‘big’ schools
Homework under supervision
Staff members do first aid and firefighting courses

General information:
Formal day program starts @ 08:00
School hours are from 06:00 until 18:00.
Stationery: We provide a list of stationery at the beginning of each new school term.  Items must be handed in at the school as soon as possible afterwards.
Evaluation: We evaluate once every term.  Parents receive a full report.
Dress code: Comfortable clothes please.  Girls must wear tights under their dresses.  All clothes and items to be marked clearly.
Toys from home are not allowed.
Entertainment / outings: Will be announced in newsletters / memos.
Meals: Healthy meals are important for good health, growth and behavior.  Children are provided with a healthy breakfast and lunch.  ​​​​​​​
Allergies: Important: Please advise the school of ANY allergy your child might have.
Candy: No candy from home is allowed, except for a birthday celebration.  We are counting on your co-operation.
Communication: through WhatsApp messages, circulars, telephones and e-mail.  Each child will receive a booklet for notes and messages.
Illnesses / medicine: Children with a fever must please stay at home.  If a child develops a fever during the day, parents will be asked to come and fetch the child.  If a child needs medicine, it will be given as requested and provided by the parents.  This should be recorded in your child’s notebook. 
Access: Every parent will receive a gate code.  Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time. 
School fees:  All school fees are payable in advance on or before the last day of the month – (for the next month)
Snacks: School provides snacks daily @ 10:00 and 15:00. 
School fees:
Babies (3 - 24 months):  R3115.00 per child, per month
from 25 months:  R2810.00 per child, per month 
After-school supervision: R1300.00 per child, per month.  These include: transport to and from school and extracurricular activities, lunch and help with homework.
Discount: 1 (one) month free if parents pay the school fees for the year in advance.
Notice: 1 (one) calendar month notice is required.  November is not allowed as notice month. 
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